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5 Typical Austrian dishes

By: Team ChaletsPlus at 27 July 2023
Kaiserschmarrn 609803 960 720
Austria is not only known for its beautiful nature and outdoor activities, but also for its delicious Austrian cuisine. In Austria, you can enjoy tasty dishes, and below we have listed five typical Austrian dishes for you.

Wiener Schnitzel

The Wiener Schnitzel is such a well-known dish even in the Netherlands that we often forget it originated in Austria. For an authentic Wiener Schnitzel, you need to be in Austria, although the schnitzel itself originates from Milan. The Wiener Schnitzel is made from lean veal from the "Kaiserteil" (the tenderloin) of the animal. The meat is then breaded and quickly fried in lard or oil. Traditionally, the Wiener Schnitzel is served with lemon.
Wiener Schnitzel
The most famous Schnitzel!

Tiroler Gröstl

Another traditional Austrian dish is Tiroler Gröstl, characterized by being "simple but very delicious." The dish consists of thinly sliced potatoes, which are fried in a pan with bacon and onions. Before serving, it is sprinkled with parsley and topped with two fried eggs. The dish is available all year round and is popular both in winter and summer. 


This dessert will be very familiar to many Dutch people as it resembles a pancake. However, Kaiserschmarrn has a lighter character because stiffly beaten egg whites are mixed into the batter. The dish owes its name to Emperor Franz Joseph, who had this dish at the top of his list. Kaiserschmarrn is traditionally served with powdered sugar and plum compote.
Culinary specialty for the enthusiast!


This is a warm, doughy delicacy. It consists of a dumpling (a ball of bread dough, potato dough, pasta dough, or a combination thereof) that is boiled or steamed in saltwater. The dumpling is then filled with plum compote. Germknödel is topped with melted butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar and grated poppy seeds. Check out the recipe here.


This Austrian dish somewhat resembles the Dutch "hachee." It consists of a roast beef steak or a beef schnitzel that is quickly fried (to keep the meat tender), fried onions, spices (pepper, salt, paprika powder), and broth. The fried meat is then covered with a mixture of broth, flour, and fried onions, and the dish is served with boiled or fried potatoes. Mahlzeit!

What's your favorite?
Which of the delicious Austrian dishes mentioned above is your favorite? Or is there one missing that absolutely belongs on the list? Let us know by commenting below!


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