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Krimmler Wasserfälle

The Krimmler waterfalls (Krimmler Wasserfälle) are located in the middle of the Hohe Tauern National Park, near Krimml. It is the highest waterfall in Europe measuring 380 metres. The Waterfall drops in three phases. There are a number of locations along the Gerlos Pass, including the "Wasserfallblick" car park where you can enjoy a view of the waterfall.

The river
The waterfall originates in the Krimmler Ache. At the end of the high Krimmler Achental, the river drops in three phases. The Krimmler Ache flows to the Salzach. The Salzach in turn, leads to the Inn that runs into the Danube.
The Krimmler Ache is a glacier stream which means that the amount of water can vary strongly. In June and July the stream may contain 20000 m³/h of water but in February it may only be 500 m³/h. The highest water quantity was measured on 25 August 1987, 600000 m³/h.

The waterfall
The first phase of the waterfall has a drop of no less than 140 metres, a centre phase of 100 metres and the lowest phase drops 140 metres.
A number of viewing locations have been built along a 4 km walk along the waterfall. The view from these locations of the various falls of the waterfalls is beautiful. This route is a climb of approximately one hour to the Suprème Ache. This is the highest point of the waterfall. The path leads you within 30 minutes to the central fall and if you walk another 10 minutes you will be at the bottom of the waterfall! Here you will also find an information desk with information on the waterfall.

From Krimml to the Krimmler Tauernhaus
o Light walk
o Starting point: Krimml
o Duration: Approx. 3 hours
o Difference in altitude: 555 m

From the Krimmler Tauernhaus to the Warnsdorfer Hütte
o Light walk
o Starting point: Krimmler Tauernhaus
o Duration: 3,5 hours
o Difference in altitude: 703 m

From the Krimmler Tauernhaus to the Richterhütte
o Light walk
o Starting point: Krimmler Tauernhaus
o Duration: 2,5 hours
o Difference in altitude: 736 m

To the Zitauerhütte and over the Rosskarscharte to the Richterhütte
o High mountain walk
o Starting point: Gasthof Finkau
o Duration up to the Zitauerhütte: 2,5 hours
o From the Zitauerhütte over the Rosskarscharte to the Richterhütte 4 hours
o Difference in altitude: 703 m

Right next to the Krimmler waterfall you will find the WasserWunderWelt Krimml (Krimml Wonder World of Water). An enjoyable water park full of fun for young and old. It is interesting, informative and a learning experience. It allows you to experience first-hand what water can do.

House of Water (Haus des Wassers)
In the House of Water you get to know a completely different side of water. The “Phänomen Wasser” (Water phenomenon) exhibition will immerse you into the world of water. Amusing and exciting 3D images show the route of the water from the Tauern Mountain tops to the Krimml waterfalls. Amusing facts and phenomena on water are also included.
The “Krimml Cataracta” (Krimml waterfalls) exhibition provides a lot of information on the Krimmler waterfalls. You can also look at the Krimmler waterfalls through a Swarowski crystal telescope. A unique experience!

Multivision cinema
The multivision cinema provides impressive unforgettable impressions of the power of water, the main character of this multimedia show. Impressive images allow you to experience the fantastic spectacle of the waterfall and the water itself.
The trip begins where water is scarce, the desert, and ends with a look at our blue planet. The Krimmler waterfalls and the Hohe Tauern National Park are, naturally, the areas on which the film focuses.

Walk through the Aquapark and let the different water amenities surprise you or relax in the large Biotope. The Aquapark has various amenities that show the power of water. You can juggle a jet of water using a yoyo or bring the Agua Max back to being by shooting running water into its veins.

The website van: The Krimml Wasserfälle website
The website van: The Gerloss Alpenstrasse - Haus des Wassers website
Blog: The Krimml Waterfalls: An enchanting natural spectacle!